(1/2025) Here we are, it's hard to believe a whole year has flown by and we're starting a new one. This is the time of the year where we think about what changes we want to make for our family, our work, our health and our future. It's important to make reasonable, achievable goals so we can follow through and make them happen. Setting too high of a goal for ourselves just sets us up to have to try too hard and then give up before really giving it a fair shot. Setting an achievable goal is the sensible way to start.
Maybe this year you can pick one thing to do from your wishes for the year and start out with that. Of course I would advise picking health and exercise. Improving your health with exercise will help with whatever else you want to do. The better you feel and the more energy you have will make other tasks go easier. We all have many people and responsibilities to take care of each day. Taking care of yourself has to be the first priority so you can accomplish the other duties we have to do. I know we have been told this many times but it really is the truth. If you don't have the energy you can't get everything done and be there for the people that need you.
Each year my recommendation is to think about what you like to do, research it, decide what you would like to accomplish with it and then start an exercise program that will enable you to reach your goal. Starting out slowly with a guided program is the best way to strengthen your body without causing injury or burning yourself out quickly. Whether you work with a trainer or follow one of the many programs available through media, taking care to properly prepare is important.
New Years resolutions are fun to make and do help some people stick to them, at least for a few weeks, but I've found when some people put that kind of pressure on themselves it's too much and they get discouraged quickly. Don't think of it as a resolution you have to stick to, think of it as the right time to make a positive change in your routine. This change will improve your health, your attitude and hopefully every aspect of your life. Hopefully once your family and friends see your improvement they will also make changes to move forward to improve their health as well.
Starting a positive exercise program not only can improve your physical health but it gives you a good feeling of knowing that you are doing something for yourself. You are taking care of your health and setting a good example for your children, parents, neighbors, friends and anyone you are in contact with. When they see the difference in you, and they will see a new and confident you, they will be asking what you're doing. Setting an example is the best way to spark people's interest and get your message across. It's easy to give advice and people hear you but don't always get the message. When they see the difference in you they can see what your doing is working and they want to get the same results.
Look for my advertisement in the Journal this month. I have an Open House each year to let people know what I have to offer and what they can achieve if they start exercising and taking a little time for themselves. Even if this is not the right time for you to start a program, I am here all year. I am always hoping and willing to meet new people and help them with their journey to better health and well being.
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Fitness Articles by Linda Stultz